Research on key technologies of coal mine intelligent excavation
摘要: 介绍了近年来煤矿巷道掘进主要技术(悬臂式掘进机综掘技术、连续采煤机掘进技术及掘锚一体化掘进技术)的研究成果,分析了这3种主要巷道掘进技术在我国的适用性及推广价值,指出:① 悬臂式掘进机综掘技术仅能“前掘后锚”,掘进与支护的过程不能同时进行,限制了掘进效率。② 连续采煤机掘进技术仅可在近水平煤层条件下进行,且对顶板的稳定程度有一定要求,适用性不强。③ 掘锚一体化掘进技术仅适用于巷道断面大的单巷快速掘进,所用到的掘锚一体机机身大且价格昂贵,并对所掘进巷道的底板稳定性有一定的要求。相比连续采煤机掘进技术,掘锚一体化掘进技术在我国有较好的应用前景。将原有掘进机的掘进功能拓展为掘进兼支护的功能,这对掘锚一体化掘进技术的研究与普及可起到推动作用。分析了近年来煤矿巷道机器人化智能掘进技术中智能截割、远程智能监控、智能协同控制3个方面的研究成果,得出:① 智能截割技术主要集中在对煤岩自适应识别方面的研究。② 远程智能监控技术已从远程实时监测向远程可视化监控方向发展,虚拟仿真技术的发展将井下掘进巷道的情况可视化地展现在地面,并将控制信号反馈到掘进工作面来对掘进工作面掘进机组进行远程同步控制,成为当前巷道掘进远程监控智能化的重要标志。③ 目前针对智能协同控制技术的研究较少。探讨了煤矿巷道掘进智能化的发展方向:加强掘进设备集成协同化、设备模块化组合、5G矿用无线网络设备、掘进远程智能监控系统及难掘慢掘巷道掘进工程等方面的研究。Abstract: This paper introduces the research results of the main coal mine roadway excavation technologies in recent years. The technologies include cantilever roadheader comprehensive excavation technology, continuous shearer tunneling technology, and integrated excavation technology. The applicability and promotion value of these three main roadway excavation technologies in China is analyzed. The following points are pointed out. ① The comprehensive excavation technology of the cantilever roadheader can only "excavate before anchoring". The excavation and support processes cannot be carried out simultaneously, which limits the excavation efficiency. ② The continuous shearer tunneling technology can only be carried out in near horizontal coal seam conditions. It has certain requirements for the stability of the roof. The applicability is weak. ③ The integrated excavation technology is only suitable for rapid excavation of single roadways with large cross-sections. The integrated excavation and anchoring machine used is large and expensive. The machine has certain requirements for the stability of the bottom plate of the excavated roadways. Compared to the continuous mining machine excavation technology, the integrated excavation technology has a good application prospect in China. Expanding the excavation function of the original roadheader to the function of excavation and support can promote the research and application of integrated excavation and anchoring technology. The study analyzes the research achievements of intelligent cutting, remote intelligent monitoring, and intelligent collaborative control in the robotized intelligent excavation technology of coal mine roadways in recent years. The following points are concluded. ① Intelligent cutting technology mainly focuses on the research of adaptive recognition of coal and rock. ② Remote intelligent monitoring technology has evolved from remote real-time monitoring to remote visual monitoring. The development of virtual simulation technology visualizes the situation of underground excavation roadways on the ground. And it feeds back control signals to the excavation working face to remotely synchronize and control the excavation working face roadheader unit. This becomes an important symbol of the current intelligent remote monitoring of roadway excavation. ③ There is currently limited research on intelligent collaborative control technology. This study explores the development directions of intelligent coal mine roadway excavation. The directions include strengthening the integration and collaboration of excavation equipment, modular combination of equipment, 5G mining wireless network equipment, remote intelligent monitoring system for excavation, and research on difficult and slow excavation roadway excavation engineering.
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8. 刘若涵,刘永立,刘爽. 智能化掘进机悬臂和铲台机构关联位置干涉解算模型. 工矿自动化. 2024(03): 114-121 . 本站查看
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11. 岳勇. 煤矿巷道掘进与支护技术研究. 能源与节能. 2024(08): 129-131+138 . 百度学术
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