Feasibility Analysis of Frequency-conversion Reform for Driving System of FMC3500 Apron Feeder
摘要: 针对FMC3500板式给料机液压驱动系统存在维护技术要求高,工艺复杂,故障率偏高的问题,探讨了将FMC3500板式给料机液压驱动系统改造成变频驱动系统的可行性;介绍了FMC3500板式给料机变频驱动系统的主要设备及选型设计,并从设备投资费用、运行维护两个方面对液压驱动系统和变频驱动系统进行了比较。分析结果表明,将板式给料机液压驱动系统改造成变频驱动系统是完全可行的,可以更好地提高半连续生产系统的生产效率。Abstract: In view of the problem existed in hydraulic driving system of FMC3500 apron feeder such as high demands for maintenance technology, complex process and high fault rate, the paper discussed feasibility of reforming hydraulic driving system of FMC3500 apron feeder into frequency-conversion driving system. It introduced main devices and type selection design of frequency-conversion driving system of FMC3500 apron feeder, and made comparison between hydraulic driving system and frequency-conversion driving system from investment cost of devices and operation maintenance. The analysis result showed that the frequency-conversion reform for driving system of FMC3500 apron feeder is feasible, which can improve production efficiency of semi-continuous production system.
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