
夏丁超, 吕品, 杜朋, 王金月

夏丁超,吕品,杜朋,等. 综掘工作面风幕阻尘效果影响因素研究[J]. 工矿自动化,2024,50(1):72-79. DOI: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2023060007
引用本文: 夏丁超,吕品,杜朋,等. 综掘工作面风幕阻尘效果影响因素研究[J]. 工矿自动化,2024,50(1):72-79. DOI: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2023060007
XIA Dingchao, LYU Pin, DU Peng, et al. Factors influencing the dust-blocking effect of air curtains during the fully mechanized excavation of working faces[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2024,50(1):72-79. DOI: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2023060007
Citation: XIA Dingchao, LYU Pin, DU Peng, et al. Factors influencing the dust-blocking effect of air curtains during the fully mechanized excavation of working faces[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2024,50(1):72-79. DOI: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2023060007


基金项目: 国家重点实验室开放基金项目(JYBSYS2019102)。




  • 中图分类号: TD714

Factors influencing the dust-blocking effect of air curtains during the fully mechanized excavation of working faces

  • 摘要: 目前综掘工作面粉尘污染的研究多集中于单一因素对综掘工作面风幕阻尘效果的影响,而未充分考虑各因素间的交互作用,使得压风分流技术的工程应用效果欠佳。为明确附壁风筒径向出风距离、径向出风比及轴向出风距离对风幕阻尘效果的影响,以潘三矿810西翼机巷综掘工作面为研究对象,运用Fluent软件对径向出风距离为10~25 m、径向出风比为0.6~0.9及轴向出风距离为6~12 m条件下的风流分布和粉尘扩散情况进行数值模拟。结果表明:① 随着径向出风距离增大,径向涡流风幕在巷道内的转变更充分,综掘机司机前端的风流分布越均匀,更有利于形成风速方向均指向工作面的轴向阻尘风幕。当径向出风距离为10 m时,距工作面7 m断面内涡流特性明显,风速方向紊乱;当径向出风距离为25 m时,距工作面7 m断面内,风流分布趋于均匀,风速方向均指向工作面,形成了能够覆盖全断面的轴向阻尘风幕。② 随着径向出风比增大,整流风筒轴向风流风量减小,轴向风流风速和射流强度降低,轴向风流对综掘工作面前端气流的扰动减弱;径向出风比越大,越有利于形成风流方向指向工作面且能覆盖全断面的轴向阻尘流场,即轴向阻尘风幕。③ 径向涡流风幕的阻尘能力随径向出风比的增大先增强后减弱,轴向阻尘风幕的阻尘能力随径向出风比的增大而不断增强。④ 在采取压风分流风幕阻尘技术后,当压风总量为300 m3/min,吸风量为400 m3/min,附壁风筒径向出风距离为20 m,径向出风比为0.9,整流风筒轴向出风距离为8~10 m时,能很好地将粉尘聚集在吸尘口附近,达到高效控尘除尘的目的。在810西翼机巷综掘工作面进行现场测试,测点风速和粉尘质量浓度实测值与模拟值基本一致,高浓度粉尘被有效阻控于工作面前端,隔尘效果较为明显,验证了数值模拟的有效性。
    Abstract: Prevalent research on dust pollution during fully mechanized excavation has mainly focused on the impact of individual factors on the effectiveness of air curtains in fully mechanized excavation sites. However, scant research has been devoted to the interaction between factors, because of which pressure-induced air diversion technology has not been adequately applied to this context.To investigate the impact of the radial distance of the outlet of air, the ratio of this outlet, and the distance between the outlet and the wall-coated air duct on the effectiveness of dust blocking by air curtains, the authors of this study consider the excavation of the working face of the 810 west wing machine tunnel at the Pansan Mine . We used Fluent software to numerically simulate the distribution of wind flow and the diffusion of dust under a distance of the radial outlet of air of 10-25 m, a ratio of the outlet of 0.6-0.9, and an axial distance of the outlet of 6-12 m.The results showed that: ① As the distance of the radial outlet of air increased, the radial vortex air curtain transforms more fully in the tunnel . The wind flow at the front end of the excavation operator was more evenly distributed, and the wind speed was directed toward the working face such that this was more conducive to the formation of an axial dust-blocking air curtain.When the radial distance of the outlet of air was 10 m, vortical characteristics became apparent within a distance of 7 m from the working surface, and the direction of wind became disordered. When the radial distance of the air outlet was 25 m, the wind flow tended to be uniform within 7 m of the working surface, and its direction was evenly distributed toward the working surface. This led to the formation of an axial dust-blocking wind curtain that could cover the entire section.② As the ratio of the radial outlet of air increased, the volume of axial airflow of the rectifier air cylinder decreased to reduce the velocity of axial airflow and the intensity of the jet. This in turn reduced the disturbance caused by the axial airflow to that at the top of the mechanized working face that was being excavated. A higher ratio of the radial outlet of air was more conducive to the formation of an axial dust-blocking flow field, with the wind directed toward the working surface and covering the entire section. This led to an axial dust-blocking air curtain. ③ The dust-blocking ability of the radial vortical air curtain initially increased and then decreased as the ratio of the radial outlet of air increased. Its ability then continued to improve as the ratio was further increased. ④ We implemented the dust-control technology based on the air curtain with forced ventilation-induced diversion. When the pressure-induced volume of air was 300 m3/min and the volume of air suction was 400 m3/min, the distance between the radial outlet of air and the attached wall of the air duct was 20 m. The ratio of the radial outlet of air, and the distance between this outlet and the air duct of the rectifier was 8-10 m. The air curtain was able to collect dust near the port of the dust suction for efficient dust control and removal.We conducted an on-site test of the fully mechanized excavation working face of the 810 west wing machine tunnel. The empirically measured data of wind speed and dust mass concentration at measuring points and the results of numerical simulations were consistent with each other. Highly concentrated dust was blocked at the front end of the working face, and its isolation was noticeable. This confirms the effectiveness of the numerical simulations.
  • 破解煤岩识别技术难题是提高采煤工作面智能化水平,推动煤炭清洁、高效、安全生产的关键[1-4]。自20世纪60年代起,英、美、澳、德、俄、中等产煤大国便开始了煤岩识别技术的研究。煤岩识别方法包括过程信号识别、图像特征识别、反射光谱识别、超声波探测识别、电磁波探测识别等。过程信号识别和超声波探测识别受机械振动和煤岩硬度影响较大,图像特征识别和反射光谱识别受粉尘、光照、瓦斯和振动等因素的限制,在工程实践中应用较少[5]





    $$ \nu =\frac{V}{\sqrt{\varepsilon }} $$ (1)

    式中:$ V $ 为电磁波在真空中的传播速度;$ \varepsilon $为传播介质的相对介电常数。

    根据模型可得到雷达天线悬空高度$ {H}_{0} $和煤层厚度$ {H}_{1} $:

    图  1  煤岩界面模型
    Figure  1.  Coal and rock interface model
    $$ \begin{array}{c}{H}_{0}=\left({N}_{1}+2-{N}_{0}\right){V}_{0}T/[2(M-1)]\end{array} $$ (2)
    $$ \begin{array}{c}{H}_{1}=\left({N}_{2}-{N}_{1}\right){V}_{1}T/[2(M-1)]\end{array} $$ (3)



    $$ {H}_{1}=\frac{\left({N}_{2}-{N}_{1}\right){V}_{1}{H}_{0}}{\left({N}_{1}+2-{N}_{0}\right){V}_{0}} $$ (4)


    图  2  γ射线法原理
    Figure  2.  Principle of γ-ray method



    图  3  雷达探测法原理
    Figure  3.  Principles of radar detection method

    1974年D. A. Ellerbruch 等[15-16]为解决远程测量煤厚的问题,首次研究了电磁波在煤层中的穿透性及其在煤岩界面处的反射,验证了利用电磁波进行煤层测厚的可行性。文献[17-21]在此基础上进一步研究,研发了相关雷达探测系统,取得了一定的成果。

    王昕等[22]建立了煤岩界面分层介质模型,分析了电导率和探测深度对煤岩识别的影响。刘帅等[23]从煤岩介电常数出发研究了雷达对煤岩的穿透性,将煤层厚度测量误差控制在10 mm内。许献磊等[24]通过正演模拟分析了高频雷达波在空气、煤和岩层中的回波特征,提出了煤岩层位追踪算法,实现了煤岩层位快速定位。


    图  4  太赫兹信号法原理
    Figure  4.  Principle of Terahertz signal method


    电子共振法分为电子顺磁共振(Electron Paramagnetic Resonance,EPR)和电子自旋共振 (Electron Spin Resonance,ESR)。电子自转会产生磁矩,在其周围利用线圈发射一定强度的磁场,可以让这些电子磁矩重新取向,从而由低能级电子跃迁成为高能级电子。利用煤层中的不配对电子完成电磁波的吸收,可最终估算出煤层的厚度。电子共振法原理如图5所示。

    图  5  电子共振法原理
    Figure  5.  Principle of electron resonance method



    图  6  X射线法原理
    Figure  6.  Principle of X-ray method



    图  7  红外热成像法原理
    Figure  7.  Principles of infrared thermal imaging


    对于截割闪温法,C. O. Hargrave等[40]设计了煤岩截割状态红外检测识别装置,并对煤岩穿透效果与识别性能进行了分析。J. C. Ralston等[41]设计了热红外传感装置,基于红外探测原理对煤层的垂直高度进行自动测试,进而确定煤岩界面,实现采煤机自动调高控制。张强等[42-43]建立了采煤机截齿截割试验台,分析得到截齿截割不同煤岩时的温度变化规律及闪温特征,为实现煤岩界面动态识别打下基础。


    表  1  6种基于电磁波的煤岩识别方法综合对比
    Table  1.  Comprehensive comparison of six coal and rock recognition methods based on electromagnetic wave
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    目前基于电磁波的煤岩识别方法很多,但类似于γ射线这种危害性较大的方法基本已经被淘汰。山西省阳曲县在全国第2次煤预测中,利用电磁波勘探出大致煤地范围,最终确定了煤层厚度。华北科技学院采用探地雷达对开滦(集团)蔚州矿业有限责任公司单侯矿进行测试,在工作面下方0.8~1.2 m发现1条具有明显反射差且走势稳定的分界线,据此确定了最大回采厚度。山西新景矿煤业有限责任公司采用探地雷达测试了煤层厚度、煤岩界面分布和断层探测[44],得出电磁波在均质中传播时规律性衰减且无明显反射特征,在煤岩界面处有明显反射特征,据此识别煤岩界面准确率极高。山西王家岭煤业有限公司采用探地雷达测试综放工作面顶煤厚度[45],误差仅为7%。徐坤等[46]利用雷达在研究区斜井附近垂直布设6条测线,对异常区域范围和埋深进行了精准探测。


  • 图  1   巷道模型

    Figure  1.   Roadway model

    图  2   附壁风筒出风条示意图

    Figure  2.   Wall-attached duct outlet air strip seam

    图  3   不同Lr条件下各断面内风速矢量分布

    Figure  3.   Wind speed vector distribution in each section under different radial air outlet distances Lr conditions

    图  4   不同φ条件下综掘工作面风流分布

    Figure  4.   Air flow distribution of excavation face under different ratios of radial air outlet φ conditions

    图  5   不同Lrφ条件下综掘机司机呼吸带处粉尘质量浓度分布

    Figure  5.   Distribution of dust mass concentration in the breathing zone of excavator driver under different Lr and φ conditions

    图  6   不同Lr条件下φLd之间拟合曲线及拟合公式

    Figure  6.   The fitting curve and formula between φ and Ld under different Lr conditions

    图  7   不同La条件下综掘机司机呼吸带处速度云图

    Figure  7.   Speed cloud at the breathing zone of excavator driver under different axial outlet distance La conditions

    图  8   不同La条件下综掘机司机呼吸带处粉尘质量浓度分布

    Figure  8.   Distribution of dust mass concentration at the breathing zone of the driver under different La conditions

    表  1   不同Lrφ条件下粉尘扩散距离Ld

    Table  1   Dust diffusion distance Ld under different Lr and φ condition

    Lr/m Ld/m
    φ=0.6 φ=0.7 φ=0.8 φ=0.9
    10 9.1 8.9 9.8 10.5
    15 8.3 7.4 7.1 8.2
    20 9.4 8.1 7.0 6.4
    25 12.7 11.6 10.1 6.8
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    表  2   各断面测点风速

    Table  2   Wind speed at measuring points of each section

    距工作面距离/m A点风速/(m·s−1 B点风速/(m·s−1
    实测值 模拟值 实测值 模拟值
    5 0.48 0.54 0.39 0.45
    10 0.43 0.51 0.36 0.43
    20 1.16 1.32 0.87 0.97
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    表  3   各断面测点粉尘质量浓度

    Table  3   Dust concentration measuring value of each section

    距工作面距离/m 粉尘质量浓度/(mg·m−3
    3 208.8
    5 63.3
    7 33.6
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-06-03
  • 修回日期:  2023-12-24
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-01-30
  • 刊出日期:  2024-01-30


