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刘宁 辛嵩 贺敏 陈秋艳

刘宁,辛嵩,贺敏,等. 液压支架顶梁裂纹弱磁无损检测分析[J]. 工矿自动化,2022,48(9):84-91, 133.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2022060108
引用本文: 刘宁,辛嵩,贺敏,等. 液压支架顶梁裂纹弱磁无损检测分析[J]. 工矿自动化,2022,48(9):84-91, 133.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2022060108
LIU Ning, XIN Song, HE Min, et al. Analysis of weak magnetic nondestructive testing for cracks in the top beam of hydraulic support[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2022,48(9):84-91, 133.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2022060108
Citation: LIU Ning, XIN Song, HE Min, et al. Analysis of weak magnetic nondestructive testing for cracks in the top beam of hydraulic support[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2022,48(9):84-91, 133.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2022060108


doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2022060108
基金项目: 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2019BEE041)。




  • 中图分类号: TD355.4

Analysis of weak magnetic nondestructive testing for cracks in the top beam of hydraulic support

  • 摘要: 针对目前液压支架裂纹检测方法操作繁琐的问题,提出了一种基于地磁场激励的液压支架顶梁裂纹弱磁无损检测方法。首先运用COMSOL Multiphysics 仿真软件对液压支架顶梁裂纹处的应力场进行分析,然后基于弱磁无损检测原理,在仿真空间内加载地磁场,得到顶梁含裂纹缺陷材料磁化后与地磁场形成的叠加场,对该叠加场进行分析。结果表明:① 在液压支架顶梁缺陷处有应力集中现象,且越靠下应力越大,裂纹由表及里向两侧拓展,及时发现表面裂纹可有效减小顶梁失效风险。② 当裂纹缺陷的长度与深度固定时,不同宽度裂纹的磁通密度模曲线的波谷与波峰的水平间距和波峰值随宽度的增加而增大,波谷值随宽度的增加而先减小后增大。磁通密度模变化的幅值随裂纹宽度的增加而增大,磁通密度模相邻最大谷峰差的变化率随宽度的增加而减小。磁通密度的变化幅值与裂纹宽度的变化呈正相关。③ 当裂纹缺陷的长度与宽度固定时,不同深度裂纹的磁通密度模曲线的波谷值差异较小,左侧波峰值随宽度的增加而增大,右侧波峰值随宽度的增加而减小。随着裂纹深度的增加,磁通密度模的变化幅值增大,磁通密度模相邻最大谷峰差的变化率几乎不变。磁通密度的变化幅值与裂纹深度的变化呈正相关。相较于裂纹的深度变化,磁通密度对裂纹的宽度变化更为敏感。④ 当裂纹缺陷的长度、宽度与深度固定时,改变裂纹的走向并不影响对裂纹缺陷处的判断。


  • 图  1  弱磁无损检测原理

    Figure  1.  Detection principle of weak magnetic nondestructive testing

    图  2  液压支架掩护梁与顶梁常见断裂形式

    Figure  2.  Common crack forms of hydraulic support cover beam and top beam

    图  3  液压支架裂纹模型

    Figure  3.  Hydraulic support crack model

    图  4  Q550钢板不同走向的裂纹缺陷模型

    Figure  4.  Crack defect models for Q550 steel plate at different orientations

    图  5  网格划分

    Figure  5.  Grid division

    图  6  地磁场加载

    Figure  6.  Geomagnetic field loading

    图  7  液压支架应力分布

    Figure  7.  Hydraulic support stress distribution

    图  8  不同载荷时裂纹上部截线的应力

    Figure  8.  Stress on the upper section of the crack under different loads

    图  10  不同载荷时裂纹垂直截线的应力

    Figure  10.  Stress on the vertical cross-section of the crack under different loads

    图  9  不同载荷时裂纹中部截线的应力

    Figure  9.  Stress on the middle section of the crack under different loads

    图  11  Q550钢板磁通密度

    Figure  11.  Q550 steel plate magnetic flux density

    图  12  不同宽度裂纹的磁通密度模及其相邻最大谷峰差

    Figure  12.  Magnetic flux density modes and adjacent maximum peak differences for cracks of different widths

    图  13  不同宽度裂纹的磁通密度x分量及其相邻最大谷峰差

    Figure  13.  The x-component of magnetic flux density and adjacent maximum peak difference for cracks of different widths

    图  14  不同宽度裂纹的磁通密度z 分量及其相邻最大谷峰差

    Figure  14.  The z-component of magnetic flux density and adjacent maximum peak differences for cracks of different widths

    图  15  不同深度裂纹的磁通密度模及其相邻最大谷峰差

    Figure  15.  Magnetic flux density modes and adjacent maximum peak differences for cracks of different depths

    图  16  不同深度裂纹的磁通密度x分量及其相邻最大谷峰差

    Figure  16.  The x-component of magnetic flux density and adjacent maximum peak difference for cracks of different depths

    图  17  不同深度裂纹的磁通密度z分量及其相邻最大谷峰差

    Figure  17.  The z-component of magnetic flux density and adjacent maximum peak differences for cracks of different depths

    图  18  不同走向裂纹的磁通密度模及其相邻最大谷峰差

    Figure  18.  Magnetic flux density modes and adjacent maximum peak differences for cracks of different orientations

    图  20  不同走向裂纹的磁通密度z分量与相邻最大谷峰差

    Figure  20.  The z-component of magnetic flux density and adjacent maximum valley difference for cracks of different orientations

    图  19  不同走向裂纹的磁通密度x分量及其相邻最大谷峰差

    Figure  19.  The x-component of magnetic flux density and adjacent maximum peak difference for cracks of different strike cracks orientations

    表  1  不同宽度裂纹钢板试件尺寸

    Table  1.   Dimensions of crack steel plate specimens at different width

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    表  2  不同深度裂纹钢板试件尺寸

    Table  2.   Dimensions of crack steel plate specimens at different depths

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