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闫洪霖. 基于改进反馈神经网络的煤矸石图像分类模型[J]. 工矿自动化,2022,48(8):50-55, 113.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2022050026
引用本文: 闫洪霖. 基于改进反馈神经网络的煤矸石图像分类模型[J]. 工矿自动化,2022,48(8):50-55, 113.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2022050026
YAN Honglin. Coal and gangue image classification model based on improved feedback neural network[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2022,48(8):50-55, 113.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2022050026
Citation: YAN Honglin. Coal and gangue image classification model based on improved feedback neural network[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2022,48(8):50-55, 113.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2022050026


doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2022050026


  • 中图分类号: TD948

Coal and gangue image classification model based on improved feedback neural network

  • 摘要: 现有的基于深度学习的图像分类方法存在分类模型参数量大、耗时长、分类精度低,难以在模型轻便和分类精度上达到折衷。针对上述问题,提出了一种基于改进反馈神经网络(Feedback−Net)的煤矸石图像分类模型。在ResNet50模型的基础上搭建Feedback−Net模型,通过在ResNet50模型搭建反馈通路,将高低阶信息进行融合,从而提升特征的表现能力。针对搭建的Feedback−Net模型在分类准确率提升的同时耗时有所增加的问题,将Feedback−Net模型中的方形卷积核改进为非对称卷积块(ACB),通过叠加融合的方式增加卷积核的特征提取能力;将参数量最多的全连接层转换为全局协方差池化(GCP),以降低网络参数量。通过模拟煤矿井下煤矸石分拣环境,以验证Feedback−Net模型和改进Feedback−Net模型(Feedback−Net+ACB和Feedback−Net+ACB+GCP)的性能。结果表明:① Feedback−Net模型在精度上高于ResNet50模型,损失值略低于ResNet50模型。② Feedback−Net模型训练精度较ResNet50模型提升了1.20%,测试精度提升了1.21%,但训练耗时较ResNet50模型增加了0.22%。③ Feedback−Net+ACB+GCP模型精度高于Feedback−Net和Feedback−Net+ACB模型,其收敛速度在3个模型中最快,具有最优性能。④ Feedback−Net+ACB模型测试精度、训练精度均较Feedback−Net模型提升了1.39%,且耗时减少了15.53 min,Feedback−Net+ACB+GCP模型训练精度、测试精度较Feedback−Net模型分别提升了1.62%,1.59%,耗时缩短了1.12%;Feedback−Net+ACB+GCP模型耗时较Feedback−Net+ACB模型减少了50.38 min,性能更加优越。


  • 图  1  ResNet50模型结构

    Figure  1.  ResNet50 model structure

    图  2  stage结构

    Figure  2.  Stage structure

    图  3  stage1反馈连接结构

    Figure  3.  Stage1 feedback connection structure

    图  4  ACB结构

    Figure  4.  Asymmetric convolution block structure

    图  5  Feedback−Net模型

    Figure  5.  Feedback-Net model

    图  6  改进Feedback−Net模型

    Figure  6.  Improved Feedback-Net Model

    图  7  煤矸石数据集

    Figure  7.  Coal and gangue dataset

    图  8  Feedback−Net模型中不同卷积层级特征提取

    Figure  8.  Feature extraction of different convolution levelsin the Feedback-Net model

    图  9  Feedback−Net模型与ResNet50模型训练精度收敛过程

    Figure  9.  Training precision convergence process of the feedback-Net model and the ResNet50 model

    图  10  Feedback−Net模型与ResNet50模型的损失值收敛过程

    Figure  10.  The Loss value convergence process of the Feedback-Net model and the ResNet50 model

    图  11  各模型损失值收敛过程

    Figure  11.  Convergence process of the loss value for each model

    图  12  各模型训练精度收敛过程

    Figure  12.  Training precision convergence process of each model

    表  1  Feedback−Net模型与ResNet50模型性能对比

    Table  1.   Performance comparison between the Feedback-Net model and the ResNet50 model

    ResNet509 963.420.934 50.934 5
    Feedback−Net9 985.350.945 70.945 7
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    表  2  各模型性能对比

    Table  2.   Performance comparison of each model

    Feedback−Net5 869.730.962 80.963 1
    Feedback−Net+ACB5 854.200.976 20.976 5
    Feedback−Net+ACB+GCP5803.820.978 40.978 4
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