
Design of mine wireless sensor network and its applicatio

  • 摘要: 针对煤矿井下现有现场总线通信网络带宽小、传输速率低、布线繁琐等问题,提出了一种矿井无线传感器网络设计方案。该矿井无线传感器网络采用TD-LTE技术,可通过无线基站直接接入无线终端设备,同时利用客户终端设备兼容煤矿井下现场总线通信网络中现有设备和系统,实现区域性数据采集功能。应用结果表明,该矿井无线传感器网络具有带宽大、传输距离远、数据传输稳定、实时性高等特点,满足矿山物联网建设需求。


    Abstract: In view of problems of small bandwidth, low transmission rate and complicated wiring of current fieldbus communication network in coal mine underground, a design scheme of mine wireless sensor network was proposed. The mine wireless sensor network, which is based on TD-LTE technology, can access wireless terminal equipment through wireless base station and existing equipment and system in fieldbus communication network through customer premise equipment, so as to realize regional data collection. The application results show that the mine wireless sensor network meets requirements of mine Internet of things with large bandwidth, long transmission distance, stable data transmission and high real-time performance.


