
Design of mine-used ungrounded feed state sensor

  • 摘要: 针对现有馈电状态传感器需要进行接地处理且易受干扰的问题,提出非接地式矿用馈电状态传感器设计方案。该传感器将信号探头包裹在负荷侧线缆上,并采用屏蔽层对极板进行防干扰处理,保证了极板和信号处理电路采用相同的参考地,能够在不接地的情况下准确检测出馈电状态。


    Abstract: In view of problem that existing feed state sensor need to be grounded and it is susceptible to interference, a design scheme of mine-used ungrounded feed state sensor was proposed. The sensor wraps signal probes on the load side cable, and uses shield for anti-interference processing of electrode plates, it ensures that the plates and the signal processing circuit use the same reference, and can accurately detect the feed status in the case of ungrounded.


