
Research of control algorithm of active disturbance rejection for permanent magnet linear synchronous motor

  • 摘要: 针对永磁同步直线电动机对于外界扰动以及系统参数变化敏感的特点,在传统自抗扰控制技术的基础上,结合前馈和反馈控制,提出一种改进型自抗扰控制算法,利用该算法可有效观测并补偿永磁同步直线电动机速度及位置控制系统中的动态耦合扰动。仿真结果表明,与经典PID控制及传统自抗扰控制算法相比,改进型自抗扰控制算法具有更好的动静态特性。


    Abstract: For characteristics of permanent magnet linear synchronous motor that it is sensitive to external disturbance and parameter variation, an improved active disturbance rejection control algorithm was proposed based on traditional active disturbance rejection technique and in combination with feedforward and feedback control. Using the improved active disturbance rejection control algorithm can effectively observe and compensate dynamic coupling disturbance in speed and position control system of permanent magnet linear synchronous motor. The simulation results show that the improved algorithm has better dynamic and static performance than classical PID and traditional active disturbance rejection control algorithm.


