
Design of Constant Pressure Air Supply System of Air Compressor

  • 摘要: 针对某矿压风机往井下输送高压空气时存在输气总管压力波动大且调节困难的问题,设计了一种基于变频调速和闭环负反馈控制的压风机恒压供风系统。该系统通过输气总管上的压力传感器采集实时压力信号,与输入压力信号比较后得到偏差信号,PLC对偏差信号进行分析和处理,并输出相应的变频器调节信号,使变频器改变压风机电动机的电源频率,从而达到调节输气总管压力的目的。实际应用表明,该系统运行稳定、可靠,实现了输气总管高压空气的恒压输送。


    Abstract: In view of problems of big pressure fluctuation and difficult adjustment in main pipe of air delivery when air compressor of a Coal Mine transports high-pressure air from interface to underground, a constant pressure air supply system of air compressor based on frequency-conversion speed-regulation and close-loop negative feedback control was designed. The system collects real-time pressure signal through pressure sensor in main pipe of air delivery, the pressure signal is compared with input pressure signal to get deviation signal. PLC analyzes and processes the deviation signal and outputs relative adjusting signal of frequency converter to make the frequency converter change power frequency of motor of air compressor, so as to adjust pressure of main pipe of air delivery. The actual application shows that the system realizes constant pressure transmission of high-pressure air in main pipe of air delivery with stable and reliable running.


