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张杰 缪小然 赵作鹏 胡建峰 闵冰冰 高宇蒙

张杰,缪小然,赵作鹏,等. 局部特征引导标签平滑与优化的井下弱特征人员重识别[J]. 工矿自动化,2024,50(2):83-89.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2023080092
引用本文: 张杰,缪小然,赵作鹏,等. 局部特征引导标签平滑与优化的井下弱特征人员重识别[J]. 工矿自动化,2024,50(2):83-89.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2023080092
ZHANG Jie, MIAO Xiaoran, ZHAO Zuopeng, et al. Local feature-guided label smoothing and optimization for re-identification of underground personnel with weak features[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2024,50(2):83-89.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2023080092
Citation: ZHANG Jie, MIAO Xiaoran, ZHAO Zuopeng, et al. Local feature-guided label smoothing and optimization for re-identification of underground personnel with weak features[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2024,50(2):83-89.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2023080092


doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.2023080092
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61976217)。


  • 中图分类号: TD672

Local feature-guided label smoothing and optimization for re-identification of underground personnel with weak features

  • 摘要: 煤矿井下低照度、强光扰、高粉尘等环境条件,以及井下人员服装的相似性和脸部落煤现象,导致井下弱特征人员重识别困难。现有人员重识别方法仅提取全局特征,未充分考虑局部特征,使得井下人员重识别准确率较低。针对上述问题,提出了一种局部特征引导标签平滑与优化的井下弱特征人员重识别方法。该方法首先通过卷积神经网络提取井下人员图像的全局特征与局部特征;然后利用k最近邻相似性计算全局特征和局部特征的互补性得分,来衡量全局特征和局部特征的相似程度;最后根据特征互补性得分对局部特征进行标签平滑及对全局特征进行标签优化,即动态调整每个局部特征的权重,以改进每个局部特征的标签,并对局部特征的预测结果进行汇总,利用更可靠的信息来完善标签以作为全局特征的标签,从而减少图像噪声并增强特征识别能力。实验结果表明,该方法在公开数据集和包含井下人员图像的自建数据集上的平均精度均值(mAP)、第一匹配正确率(Rank−1)和平均逆置负样本惩罚率(mINP)总体优于主流人员重识别方法,具有良好的泛化性和鲁棒性,能有效实现井下弱特征人员重识别。


  • 图  1  局部特征引导标签平滑与优化的井下弱特征人员重识别方法原理

    Figure  1.  Principle of local feature-guided label smoothing and optimization for re-identification of underground personnel with weak features

    图  2  井下人员重识别可视化结果

    Figure  2.  Visualization results of underground personnel re-identification

    图  3  实际场景下人员重识别结果

    Figure  3.  Result of personnel re-identification in actual scenarios

    表  1  消融实验结果

    Table  1.   Ablation experimental results

    方法 CoalReID Market1501 MSMT17
    mAP Rank−1 mINP mAP Rank−1 mINP mAP Rank−1 mINP
    AGW 86.1 90.7 63.8 87.8 95.1 65.0 69.3 78.3 52.7
    AGW+标签优化 89.8 93.4 66.1 91.3 97.0 68.2 74.7 80.6 55. 6
    AGW+标签平滑 88.6 93.1 65.8 90.8 96.8 67.7 75.3 83.8 56.7
    AGW+标签优化+标签平滑 93.1 97.3 69.1 95.2 98.6 70.3 83.1 86.8 59.8
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    表  2  不同方法在各数据集上的性能对比

    Table  2.   Performance comparison of different methods on various datasets

    方法 CoalReID Market1501 MSMT17
    mAP Rank−1 mINP mAP Rank−1 mINP mAP Rank−1 mINP
    AGW 86.1 90.7 63.8 87.8 95.1 65.0 49.3 68.3 14.7
    RGT&RGPG 88.3 93.4 65.3 95.6 96.9 70.3 65.9 86.2 51.3
    SOLIDER 83.5 88.6 60.9 95.6 96.7 71.2 86.5 91.7 60.1
    BPBreID 79.3 85.3 59.8 95.3 96.4 71.0 73.2 87.3 56.2
    UniHCP 84.2 83.1 58.3 90.3 95.8 66.4 67.3 79.3 60.8
    st−ReID 87.3 92.9 65.1 95.5 98.0 68.9 71.2 87.1 56.3
    LDS 91.2 95.3 66.8 94.9 96.1 68.3 79.1 88.3 58.4
    本文方法 93.1 97.3 69.1 95.2 98.6 70.3 83.1 86.8 59.8
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    表  3  不同方法在仅包含井下人员图像的自建数据集CoalReID上的性能对比

    Table  3.   Performance comparison of different methods on self-built CoalReID dataset containing only underground personnel images

    方法 mAP Rank−1 mINP
    AGW 79.3 83.5 50.1
    RGT&RGPG 79.6 84.1 55.3
    SOLIDER 82.4 85.1 58.3
    BPBreID 73.2 79.1 55.8
    UniHCP 80.3 84.2 60.1
    st−ReID 85.3 86.9 60.3
    LDS 84.2 85.3 59.8
    本文方法 90.1 93.3 68.4
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