
Research on path planning of parallel gangue selection robot

  • 摘要: 目前煤矸石分选机械手多采用串联式,与串联机械手相比,并联机械手能够在短时间内达到较高的运动速度,且负载能力更强,更适用于大质量煤矸石分选。以并联式选矸机器人为研究对象,对其并联机械手的“梯”型路径规划与“V”型路径规划2种动态分选路径规划方法进行对比分析。“梯”型路径规划:机械手末端执行器将矸石推出输送带后,先向上抬起一定距离,再完成回程运动。“V”型路径规划:机械手末端执行器将矸石推出输送带后,先回到标准线内,再快速运动到与下一个目标矸石平行的位置,完成1个运动周期。通过建立并联机械手动力学模型,探究机械手在沿2种路径运动时驱动电动机转矩的变化情况,计算在转矩满足要求的前提下,沿2种路径完成1个运动周期所用的时间,进而对比机械手沿2种路径的作业效率。仿真结果表明,采用“梯”型路径和“V”型路径完成1个运动周期所用时间分别为1.2,0.65 s,采用“V”型路径所用时间较短,选矸效率较高。现场应用结果表明,采用“V”型路径、“梯”型路径时,平均矸石分选率分别为94.23%和88.28%,且采用“V”型路径时的总用时比采用“梯”型路径时少近19%,选矸效率更高。


    Abstract: At present, the coal gangue selection manipulator is mostly used in series. Compared with the series manipulator, the parallel manipulator can achieve higher movement speed in a short time, and the load capacity is stronger. Therefore, it is more suitable for the selection of heavy coal gangue. Taking the parallel gangue selection robot as the research object, the two dynamic sorting path planning methods of "ladder" path planning and "V" path planning of parallel manipulator are compared and analyzed. "Ladder" path planning: after the end effector of the manipulator pushes the gangue out of the conveyor belt, it first lifts up a certain distance, and then completes the return movement. "V" path planning: after the end effector of the manipulator pushes the gangue out of the conveyor belt, it first returns to the standard line, and then quickly moves to the position parallel to the next target gangue, completing one movement cycle. By establishing the mechanical model of the parallel manipulator, the torque variation of the drive motor is explored when the manipulator moved along the two paths. The time for completing a movement cycle along the two paths is calculated on the premise that the torque met the requirements. And the working efficiency of the manipulator along the two paths is compared. The simulation results show that the time taken to complete a movement cycle along "ladder" path and "V" path is 1.2, 0.65 s respectively. The "V" path takes a shorter time and has a higher gangue selection efficiency. The site application results show that the average gangue selection rate is 94.23% and 88.28% respectively when the "V" path and the "ladder" path are adopted. The total time of the "V" path is nearly 19% less than that of the "ladder" path, and the gangue selection efficiency is higher.


