Volume 50 Issue 5
May  2024
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WEN Hu, HOU Zongxuan, ZHENG Xuezhao, et al. Current research status and development trends of deep well rescue technology and equipment[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2024,50(5):14-22, 35.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.18175
Citation: WEN Hu, HOU Zongxuan, ZHENG Xuezhao, et al. Current research status and development trends of deep well rescue technology and equipment[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2024,50(5):14-22, 35.  doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.18175

Current research status and development trends of deep well rescue technology and equipment

doi: 10.13272/j.issn.1671-251x.18175
  • Received Date: 2023-12-26
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-04-30
  • Available Online: 2024-06-13
  • Deep well rescue technology refers to the key technologies involved in various aspects of rescuing trapped personnel during the process of deep well accident rescue. It mainly includes environmental detection technology, life detection technology, deep well rapid demolition technology, emergency communication network construction technology, and other auxiliary technologies to ensure the smooth progress of deep well accident rescue. Deep well rescue equipment refers to necessary hardware equipment and software platforms during the implementation of deep well rescue technology. Studying deep well rescue technology and equipment is crucial for ensuring the safety of trapped personnel and reducing accident losses. The current research status of deep well rescue equipment and key technologies is analyzed. It is pointed out that existing rescue technologies and equipment cannot fully meet the complex and changing environmental requirements. There are problems such as insufficient research on the universality and specificity of rescue equipment, the need to improve the intelligence level of rescue equipment, difficulty in meeting the needs of complex rescue environments with network collaboration capabilities, and insufficient innovation research on rescue equipment. In order to solve the above issues, the development trend of deep well rescue equipment and technology is discussed. ① Deep well rescue equipment should be divided into specialized and universal categories based on different rescue scenarios. A single equipment should develop towards multifunctionality, high reliability, and high mobility. ② Rescue equipment is intelligent, precise, and self decision-making, achieving a rescue mode of intelligent equipment as the main focus and personnel as the auxiliary. ③ It is suggested to build a rapid networking, multi-mode networking, and integrated rescue network platform. ④ Although TDLAS integration does not currently meet rescue standards, its high resolution, high sensitivity, and integrability will play an important role in the future, achieving high integration, lightweight, and efficiency of environmental monitoring equipment.


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