
Transmission characteristics of very low frequency electromagnetic wave of mine-seam wireless through-the-earth communication system

  • 摘要: 基于麦克斯韦方程组建立了甚低频电磁波在矿层中的传播模型,研究了甚低频电磁波在矿井巷道与矿层分界面、矿层中、矿层与地面分界面的传播特性,得出结论:甚低频电磁波由矿井巷道向矿层传播时,均近似垂直于分界面入射;由矿层向地面传播时,临界角非常小,在分界面发生全反射,部分电磁波无法穿透地面。


    Abstract: Transmission model of very low frequency electromagnetic wave in mine-seam was built which was based on Maxwell equations, and transmission characteristics of very low frequency electromagnetic wave were researched when it transmitted on the interface of mine roadway and mine-seam, in mine-seam and on the interface of mine-seam and the ground. The conclusions are as following: when very low frequency electromagnetic wave transmits from mine roadway into mine-seam, it is approximately in the vertical incidence condition; when very low frequency electromagnetic wave transmits on the interface of mine-seam and the ground, total reflection will occur with a little critical angle, and a part of very low frequency electromagnetic wave cannot pass through the ground.


