
Experimental study on purification by pressure ventilation of coal mine refuge chamber

  • 摘要: 给出了避难硐室内有害气体平均浓度与供风量的关系计算式,通过试验分析了50人避灾时不同供风量工况下的避难硐室内CO2浓度分布,以及出风口布局对避难硐室内CO2浓度分布的影响。试验结果表明:人均供风量为84 L/min时,可将避难硐室内CO2体积分数控制在1%以下;避难硐室内仅设置1个出风口时,CO2浓度分布极不均匀,避难硐室内出风口应均匀布置在避难硐室长通道两侧,且出风口越多CO2浓度分布越均匀。


    Abstract: Relationship formula between average concentration of harmful gas and pressure ventilation supply volume in refuge chamber was given, CO2 concentration distribution in refuge chamber under conditions of different pressure ventilation supply volume and air outlet layout were analyzed through refuge experiment with 50 people. The experimental results show that when air supply volume per person is 84 L/min, CO2 volume fraction in refuge chamber could be controlled under 1%; CO2 concentration distribution is uneven when only one air outlet is set in refuge chamber, air outlets should be evenly arranged in both sides of long passage of refuge chamber, and CO2 concentration distribution is more even with more air outlets.


