
Dynamic characteristics analysis of automatic cutting and profiling control system for roadheader

  • 摘要: 提出了基于传递函数模型的掘进自动截割成形控制系统动态特性分析方法,阐述了系统组成及主体结构,得出了系统中每一个基本元件组成环节的传递函数模型。对掘进机截割头水平运动时系统的动态特性进行了仿真实验,结果表明,系统传递函数是由比例、积分和二阶振荡环节组成的开环传递函数,为Ⅰ型系统;设计可调增益Kp=14时,系统输出响应效果较好,无超调,曲线平滑,且上升时间较短,为0.428 s,调节时间为0.797 s;系统不存在零点,其特征根都在S平面左半平面,具有正的幅值裕量和相位裕量,稳定性较好。对系统进行了现场试验,结果表明截割头垂直截割误差小于40 mm,巷道截割断面单边定位精度小于50 mm,巷道截割断面重复精度小于20 mm。


    Abstract: An analysis method was proposed for dynamic characteristics of automatic cutting and profiling control system for roadheader base on transfer function model. Composition and main structure of the system were expounded, and transfer function model of each part of the system was obtained. Dynamic characteristics of the system were simulated when cutting head moved horizontally. The simulation results show that the transfer function of the system is an open-loop transfer function which is composed of proportional, integral and two order oscillation, and the system is a type I system; when adjustable gain is 14, the system outputs a good response with no overshoot and smooth curves, the shorter rising time is 0.428 s, and adjusting time is 0.797 s; the system has no zero point, and characteristic roots are in the left half of S plane with a positive amplitude margin and a phase margin, which shows the system has good stability. The field test shows that vertical cutting error of the cutting head is less than 40 mm, unilateral positioning precision of cutting tunnel section is less than 50 mm as well as repeatability precision is less than 20 mm.


