
Experimental study on pressure impact and vibration of long-distance coal slime transportation pipeline

  • 摘要: 对长距离煤泥输送管道泵出口处压力和振动信号进行了工业现场测试,确定了S管阀换向是产生管道压力冲击和振动的直接原因。通过改变泵送量,进一步分析了S管阀换向前后管道压力和振动信号,得出结论:当泵送量小于75%时,管道压力冲击大小和振动强度均随泵送量的增大而增大,管道泵出口处的轴向振动强度大于其径向振动强度,且泵送量越小,轴向振动相比径向振动越强烈;当泵送量大于等于75%时,泵送量的变化对管道压力冲击和振动的影响较小。


    Abstract: Pressure and vibration signals of pump outlet of long-distance coal slime transportation pipeline were tested in industrial field, so as to determine reversing of S type pipe valve is direct cause of pipeline pressure impact and vibration. Conclusions were gotten through further analysis of pressure and vibration signals before and after reversing of the S type pipe valve by changing pumping output. Intensity of pipeline pressure impact and vibration increases with pumping output and axial vibration intensity is greater than radial vibration intensity when the pumping output is less than 75%. And the smaller the pumping output, the more intense the axial vibration compared to the radial vibration. Pressure impact and vibration of pipeline is less affected by the pumping output variation when the pumping output exceeds 75%.


