
Research of influence of pressure and temperature on gas diffusion law

  • 摘要: 针对瓦斯吸附解吸法测定瓦斯扩散系数时局限于颗粒煤、无法施加围压且气体压力不能任意设定等问题,采用规则块煤结合气相色谱分析法测定瓦斯在块煤中的扩散系数,分析了不同气体压力、温度下块煤瓦斯扩散规律。实验结果表明,随着气体压力的增大,煤基质吸附气体增加且发生膨胀变形,从而孔隙减小,扩散阻力增大,扩散系数减小;随着温度的升高,气体分子运动速度增大,扩散动力增强,扩散系数变大。


    Abstract: For problems that gas adsorption-desorption method for determining gas diffusion coefficient is limited to coal particle and cannot apply confining pressure and set pressure arbitrarily, regular lump coal combined with gas chromatography analysis method was used to determine gas diffusion coefficient in lump coal, and gas diffusion law under different gas pressure and temperature was analyzed. The experimental results show that with increase of gas pressure, gas adsorbed by coal matrix increases and the coal matrix expand, thus pore decreases, diffusion resistance increases and diffusion coefficient decreases; with increase of temperature, movement speed of gas molecule increases, diffusion power enhances and diffusion coefficient increases.


