
Research of comprehensive quantitative evaluation of power quality of coal mine

  • 摘要: 根据煤矿用电负荷的特殊要求,定义了以最大负荷电流为基准的电流总畸变率,以及考虑负荷电流波形非正弦性的畸变功率因数;从电压质量、电流质量和功率因数3个方面确定电能质量分项指标,采用最小均方差法对电能分项指标进行筛选,建立了适用于煤矿供电系统的电能质量综合评价指标体系。运用熵权法计算不同指标的相对重要性,通过概率统计与模糊数学相结合的方法构建电能质量综合量化评价模型,实现对煤矿电网电能质量的分项计算和综合评价。实测数据分析结果验证了所构建的煤矿电能质量综合评价指标体系的合理性和评价方法的实用性。


    Abstract: The current harmonic distortion reflecting the maximum load current was defined, and a distortion power factor considering non-sinusoidal current waveform was built according to special requirements of coal mine electrical load. The power quality was represented by several indexes of voltage, current and power factor showing each aspects of electric energy. The minimum mean square error method was used to screen electricity sub-index, so as to establish comprehensive evaluation index system of power quality which was suitable for power supply system of coal mine. By calculating weights of each index using entropy weight method, the comprehensive quantitative evaluation model of power quality was proposed based on probability statistics and fuzzy mathematics. Therefore, sub-index calculation and comprehensive evaluation were achieved. The analyzing results of measured data verify rationality of the constructed comprehensive quantitative evaluation index system of power quality and practicability of the evaluation method.


