
Research of routing protocol of wireless sensor network for coal mine goaf

  • 摘要: 针对现有的基于能量均衡的无线传感器网络路由协议不适应煤矿采空区应用的问题,提出了一种非均匀分簇能量均衡路由协议,即UCEB-CMF协议。该协议原理如下:优化候选簇首的选择机制,有效保证剩余能量大的传感器节点优先成为候选簇首;改进非均匀竞争半径的计算公式和候选簇首的竞争方法,在考虑剩余能量的基础上,增加了对簇首节点到Sink节点距离的考量,从而实现能耗均衡;针对煤矿采空区传感器节点易消亡的特点,提出了一种多路径路由算法,从而实现数据传输的持续性。仿真结果表明,该协议能有效均衡传感器节点能耗,延长无线传感器网络的生存期,适用于煤矿采空区。


    Abstract: In view of problem that current routing protocols of wireless sensor network based on energy balance are not suit to apply in coal mine goaf, the paper proposed an unequal clustering and energy-balanced routing protocol for coal mine goaf,namely UCEB-CMF protocol. Principle of the protocol is as follows: selection mechanism of candidate cluster-head is optimized to ensure sensor nodes with big residual energy to become candidate cluster-head. Calculating formula of unequal competition radius and competition method of the candidate cluster-head are improved, which adds consideration for distance from cluster-head node to Sink node on basis of consideration of residual energy, so as to realize energy balance. In view of characteristics of being easy to die of sensor nodes in coal mine goaf, a routing algorithm with multipath was proposed, so as to realize persistence of data transmission. The simulation result shows that the protocol can balance energy of sensor nodes effectively and prolong survival time of wireless sensor network, which is suite to apply in coal mine goaf.


