
Compensation Technology of Restraining Thrust Fluctuation of PMLSM

  • 摘要: 为满足易产生推力波动的永磁直线同步电动机的速度伺服要求,减小永磁同步直线电动机的推力波动尤为重要。文章从电动机结构优化和控制策略2个方面来削弱推力波动:选择合适的次级磁铁形状及布置方式可使初级反电势波形接近正弦波形,同时采用控制策略,通过初级反电势计算定子电流谐波进行电流补偿,以此来削弱推力纹波;采用斜槽、斜极或均匀充磁等厚六边形磁铁紧密排列方案能大大削弱由齿槽效应引起的推力波动;采用多极结构、增加气隙长度、降低励磁磁密等措施能减小由端部效应引起的推力波动。实验结果表明,上述方法能有效地抑制永磁直线同步电动机的推力波动对伺服系统的影响,具有较强的鲁棒性。


    Abstract: It is important to reduce thrust fluctuation of PMLSM in order to meet the demand of speed servo of PMLSM which is easy to produce thrust fluctuation.The paper weakened thrust fluctuation from two aspects of structural optimization and control strategy of motor,namely selecting right shape and arrangement mode of the secondary flux could make the wave of the primary back electromotive force to close sine wave,as well as using control strategy to compensate current by calculating harmonic wave of the stator current through the primary back electromotive force,which could weaken thrust ripple,using closed arrangement scheme of thickness hexagon magnet of skewed slot,skewed pole or uniform magnetizing could greatly weaken thrust fluctuation caused by cogging effect,using measures such as multipole structure,increasing length of air gap and reducing excitation magnetic density could reduce thrust fluctuation caused by edge effect.The experiment result showed that the methods can restrain the influence of the thrust fluctuation of PMLSM on servo system effectively,which has higher robustness.


