
Application of Fuzzy Controller in Monitoring of Roof Air Flashover

  • 摘要: 采用尖-板放电模型模拟车顶空气闪络现象,通过对实验数据的分析,验证了以脉冲数与工频电流2个特征量监测机车空气闪络的可行性,并获得了2个特征量的变化范围。以脉冲数和工频电流作为输入变量设计了模糊控制器用以监测闪络的发生,并以实验室采集的数据对控制器进行了验证。结果表明, 该模糊控制器可以较好地判断出某一时刻空气的放电状态,利用其监测车顶空气闪络的发生是可行的。


    Abstract: The paper used point-plate discharging model to simulate roof air flashover, verified feasibility of using two factors of pulses and power current to monitor occurrence of roof air flashover by analyzing experimental data, and obtained change range of two factors. It designed fuzzy controller to monitor occurrence of flashover taking pulses and power current as input variables and verified the controller by use of collected data of laboratory.The experimental result showed that the controller can observed air discharge state at any time, and using the controller to monitor roof air flashover is feasible.


