
Experimental study of friction temperature rise of belt conveyor roller failure

  • 摘要: 为了从温度特征方面对托辊卡死故障进行早期诊断与识别,文章首先采用带式输送机火灾模拟系统实验与COMSOL数值模拟相结合的方式,研究输送带速度、巷道风速、环境温度对托辊温度的影响。结果显示,当环境温度升高或输送带速度提高时,托辊整体温度增加,托辊温度达到稳态所需时间延长;当巷道风速增大时,托辊整体温度降低,托辊温度达到稳态所需时间减少。考虑到输送带磨穿卡死托辊,导致托辊内部积聚的煤粉发火引发输送带火灾的情况,文章进一步研究了输送带速度、巷道风速、环境温度和托辊内积煤量对托辊内煤粉最高温度的影响。研究表明输送带速度、巷道风速、环境温度对煤粉最高温度的影响与其对不含煤托辊整体温度影响趋势一致;托辊内积煤量越多,煤粉最高温度变化幅度越大,发火危险性越大。


    Abstract: In order to early diagnose and identify the roller stuck fault from the aspect of temperature characteristics, this paper firstly uses the combination of belt conveyor fire simulation system experiment and COMSOL numerical simulation to study the influence of conveyor belt speed, roadway wind speed and ambient temperature on the roller temperature. The results show that when the ambient temperature increases or the conveyor belt speed increases, the overall temperature of the roller increases, and the time required for the roller temperature to reach a steady state is prolonged. When the wind speed of the roadway increases, the overall temperature of the roller decreases, and the time required for the roller temperature to reach a steady state decreases. Considering that the conveyor belt wears through and jams the idler, which leads to the ignition of the pulverized coal accumulated inside the idler and causes the conveyor belt fire, this paper further studies the influence of conveyor belt speed, roadway wind speed, ambient temperature and the amount of coal accumulated in the idler on the maximum temperature of pulverized coal in the idler. The results show that the influence of conveyor belt speed, roadway wind speed and ambient temperature on the maximum temperature of pulverized coal is consistent with that on the overall temperature of coal-free roller. The more the amount of coal accumulated in the roller, the greater the variation of the maximum temperature of the pulverized coal, and the greater the risk of ignition.


